Street Lighting is vital part in any urban area; this project will see PNC Delhi Industrialinfra Pvt Ltd. taking care of complete street lighting of the area. This will include regular O&M ensuring lighting of roads and common areas for 10 hrs per day including replacement of fixtures as & when required and Payment of Energy Bills to applicable DISCOMS. Providing and fixing adequate numbers of street lighting fixtures (approx. 650) including associated ancillary items and connecting it to power source. Replacement of non functional / missing fixtures of the existing street lighting system so to ensure efficient, adequate illumination of the Industrial Estate.
Daily switching operations (on/off) of lamp circuits through MCB, Periodic Maintenance including changing of fused light fixtures, painting of light poles to ensure that adequate level of service is maintained and to undertake any special repairs as and when required for the betterment of the Narela Industrial Area.