Sewage & CETP

PNC Delhi Industrialinfra Pvt. Ltd. acting as the concessionaire shall be responsible for up-gradation and operations of the entire effluent conveyance network and treatment system which includes Up-gradation / Rehabilitation of conveyance system of approx. 19000 m length and Rehabilitation / repairs of the sewage Pumping stations for ensuring efficient functioning of the effluent conveyance system. Up-gradation / rehabilitation / process improvement of the existing 22.5 MLD CETP and related works in the industrial estate. The existing effluent conveyance system comprises of the following sewer lines and an Operational Common Effluent Treatment Plant of Capacity 22.5 Million Liters per day , located on 30 M wide road opposite to Sector H

S.No. Diameter (mm) Material Length (M)
1. 200 RCC NP2 15644.0
2. 450 RCC NP3 9386.4
3. 800 RCC NP3 6257.6